Short Yet Controversial Message

I have not been very grounded these days and I notice it when I get increasingly anxious and agitated so I mediated today secretly hiding in a small classroom hehe πŸ˜› I needed it. I was bothered by relationship issues about whether I should start looking for a new relationship and it bothers me really because I just couldn’t bring myself to it. I see that as making love a false notion. I know I know what you might say about that but to me it just shows love between people isn’t true love if it is in ANY sort of LITTLE way replaceable at all. I should know better. I already know better. *not the most not the best but better than how I used to.* So I mediated on it and I heard a message for me and me alone because it is up to you to search for your own message on love or anything at all. πŸ™‚ Here it comes:D

“The search for love is out of fear.” Short and Sweet and I agree. If you understand you do. If you dont, you just dont. To my understanding, it is not saying love is fear but the active search for it. After I heard it I guess it makes sense that I just allow it to come to me instead of actively looking for it because after all why would I search for it? because I am afraid of being alone? because I need something I do not have? I just couldn’t find a reason why I ll need to find someone if I was content in the now. I guess a lot of people are going to disagree for a lot of reasons. Some of them wont even read correctly and only see what they thought I said which is not exactly what I m saying because of their conditioning. Much like when someone say something to me and I heard what I thought they said because of my fear or trauma from previous experiences. It is understandable but also best to let go of if we want to heal and be happy. πŸ™‚

So a short summary?

  1. The search for love is out of fear.
  2. Otherwise you d be content in the now.
  3. So just stay in the now.
  4. Resolve what takes you out of the present moment.

Let me know what you think. You could be saving a life by offering a different perspective:) Have a great day! Love you all:)

As Always, Stay High and Stay Present!

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